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good rules make excellence

With department-wide employee response like this, Rules-At-Work's St. Louis Barnes-Jewish Hospital client: cut its significant incidents rate to zero; achieved a nurse employment waiting list despite industry-wide nursing shortages; won a hospital-wide Management Award; made business journal news; and is well-known among colleagues as THE leader in doctor, patient, and employee satisfaction. 
A case in point: the Pelvic Pod. Take a fractured, mistrustful, in-fighting, fifty-person operating room nursing depart-ment, add Rules-At-Work, and what do you get? You get award-winning, news-making, off-the-charts performance, spontaneous motivation, unheard-of employee loyalty, and team buy-in that executives can only dream about -- until now. Read how one employee described it in the department-wide newsletter: news1.htmlnews1.htmlshapeimage_13_link_0shapeimage_13_link_1

When you use good rules,

you meet your goals.