You want a good speaker
for your group or event.

What are your goals?
• Do things better?

• Enjoy the presentation?
The Good Rules Guy, 
and Rules-At-Work, 
may meet your goals.founder.htmlwelcome.htmlshapeimage_1_link_0shapeimage_1_link_1
Do things better. The Good Rules Guy can inform, educate, train, inspire, and motivate you and your group on how to use good rules to
. . . 
meet goals, solve problems, resolve conflicts, have a great day, have fun
. . . 
write better, speak better, read better, listen better, think better, understand better, decide better, plan better, prepare better, perform better
. . . 
manage better, lead better, follow better, collaborate better, brainstorm better, organize better, prioritize better
. . . 
be more persuasive, be more creative, be more relaxed, have more energy, get great results, have great meetings.

Contact the Good Rules Guy
Enjoy the presentation. The Good Rules Guy always creates a highly enjoyable audience experience. His stye is . . . dynamic, rich with passion, creativity, music, martial arts, humor, storytelling . . . enlightening, sparkling with mathematics, fine art, science, history, law, linguistics . . . interactive, using the Socratic method, group theatre, Simon Says, audience role-playing, instant do-it-yourself rule books, audience surprise . . . and very memorable, with crisp, deeply inspiring messages and practical tools. The Good Rules Guy's presentations are polished, fascinating, and enjoyable.
The Good Rules Guy's main message is this: When you use good rules, you meet your goals. It works every time. 

Contact the Good Rules Guy now.
site mapsitemap.html
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view the Rules-At-Work site mapsitemap.html
contact Rules-At-Work nowcontact.html

good rules good speakers

The Good Rules Guy is a featured presenter at the 10th International Business Rules Forum, Orlando, FL., 10-24-07http://

When you use good rules,

you meet your goals.

The Good Rules Guy: 
on motivating people
The Good Rules Guy: 
conference keynote